Posts in Vintage Computers

PC to Dos to Mac software transfer

Is there an easier way to transfer files between a PC in the modern world to an[…]

Wyse Terminal – An amber raspberry

Amber terminal with a Pi? The best combination of retro and modern

Mac Classic – Fixed display!

Another crack at the dodgy display of the Mac Plus…

CGA In the modern world

Connecting a CGA monitor to something flat, modern and does not generate ozone… hmmm…

B/W Portal TV to Monitor conversion

A small black and white monitor… Left for dead in a dusty garage? Is there a new[…]

BBC Micro – Repair-o-thon Part 1

An increasing number of BBCs that need to be repaired!

HP 4952A Protocol Analyzer – Repair

Rapairing the old HP unit… Will it do anything or is it a brick?

HP 4952A Protocol Analyzer – Trash to Treasure?

HP Protocol Analyzer. It is too cute to die or have the shed bugs got the better[…]

Data switch box up-cycling

Up-cycling an old KVM as a serial switch box. Yeah, I could buy a new one but[…]